NY - NYS45 - Quarterly Report
Select New York - NYS45 - Quarterly Report from the Plugins menu of Qxtender.
Prior to v9.01 released Oct 2014, this Plugin was listed in the menu as New York - NYS45 - Quarterly Report (e-file).
The "(e-file)" suffix has been removed going forward.
If you still have v7 of the Plugin installed, it will be marked as "[OUTDATED]". It is recommended that you run the Plugin Manager on the Plugins menu and delete the v7 Plugin.
(Export Mode only)
At the first fileopen dialog, select the Payroll Items list report exported from QuickBooks.
At the second fileopen dialog, select the Employee list report exported from QuickBooks.
How to export the list(s) from QB
Or see the Readme file included with the Plugin for details on exporting this file from QB.
The Plugin opens, initialized with Payroll Item and Employee information.
STEP #1: Set the quarter and year of the reporting period if the default is not correct.
Click on the Notices tab.
Please read the notices on this page.
Internet links are provided in case you need more information to complete and file your return.
STEP #2: Select the Payroll Items. (this is necessary since Item names are not standardized in QB and users can edit them).
The Plugin will attempt to automatically select the correct payroll item(s). If the this does not occur, you will need to rename the payroll item(s) in QB to match the name(s) shown in the Payroll Items to select box.
Next, check the box next to any city tax items you withhold. If you are unsure, you can select all of them as long as there is a corresponding Payroll Item in QB.
To manually select the items, copy items from the QB Payroll Items list to the Payroll Items to Report list. You can copy them one at a time or you can multi-select the items by holding down the CTRL key while clicking. Using the mouse, drag the selected Payroll Item(s) from the QB Payroll Items list on the left to the Payroll Items to report list on the right. You can also copy the selected item(s) by clicking the button between the lists, or double-click the item.
The items must be ordered in the Payroll Items to Report list as noted in Payroll Items to Select. Use the Up/Down arrows next to the list to change the position of an item in the list.
To delete an item in the Payroll Items to report list, select it and press the Delete key, or click the Trashcan button.
(note: Curly Brackets are used to combine payroll items into a single amount for reporting purposes. The Curly Brackets and the text contained are ignored during calculation. For example, if you select a Payroll Item to report named New York City Withholding and you also have a QB Payroll Item named New York City Withholding {extra}, any amounts for either item will be calculated as one total.)
STEP #3:
Click on the Setup Special tab.
If you have no payroll, you can check the "No Payroll..." box in order to print a no payroll report. This allows you to skip the next Get Data step and disables warnings.
All Data Modes use QB's calculation of Income Subject to Tax.
STEP #4: Click on the Get Data tab.
All employees in the QB file will be shown, including inactive employees. After processing, employees with no activity during the report period will be removed from the list.
(note: Curly Brackets and the text contained is removed from employee names when printing. This allows you to deal with employees with the same name, or to sort your employee list by using a curly bracketed prefix.)
Click the Get QB Data button.
(Export Mode only)
A file open dialog will be displayed. Select the "Payroll Transaction Detail Report" exported from QuickBooks.
How to export this report from QB.
Or see the "Readme" file included with the Plugin for details on exporting this report from QB.
The QB data will be retrieved and processed, filling the appropriate columns with data.
When Qxtender is operating in QB Integrated App Data Mode, a progress dialog will display (as shown).
When the data retrieval and processing completes, final calculations are made and the data is displayed.
STEP #5: Click on the Reconcile tab.
Verify that the rates and values for the Report Period are correct. Make any necessary changes.
The Reconciliation section compares the amounts calculated by QB and retrieved from the QB data with amounts due based on the Report Period rates and limits. Any discrepancies will need to be corrected in QB.
STEP #6: Click on the Report tab.
Verify the Account numbers, and Company information. The number in the gray box following the UI Employer # and Withholding ID # is a check digit that is calculated from the ID#.
Select Yes or No for the dependent health insurance question.
Check Seasonal Employer and/or Final Return for Year if appropriate.
The first time you use the Plugin, you will have to enter your company Telephone Number (Export Mode Only: enter Employer Name & Address as well). These will be saved and automatically filled-in thereafter.
Verify the monthly employee counts and change the value if necessary.
STEP #7: Click on the Report Parts A/B tab.
Verify the values.
In Part A, Lines 6 and 8, enter the appropriate values, if applicable.
In Part B, Line 16 enter the appropriate value, if applicable.
In Part B, Line 17 verify the value, and edit if necessary.
If Part B, Line 20 shows an overpayment, select your choice of 20a or 20b.
STEP #8: Click on the Report Parts D/E tab.
Enter any Part D additions/corrections if necessary.
Make any other appropriate settings to Final Payroll and/or Sale of Business.
STEP #9: Click on the Review tab.
Enter any optional Paid Preparer information.
Enter Signer and Contact information.
Click the Preview button on Qxtender's toolbar to view the NYS-45 and NYS-45-ATT forms as they will print.
Verify the information on the forms is correct.
The first time you use the Plugin, select Print Setup... from Qxtender's File menu to setup your printer. |
The first page (not shown here) is an information sheet with instructions for proofing the report and a target mark in the upper left corner to check printer alignment. Be sure to read the instructions on the page after printing the return.
Click the Next button (>>) on the Preview window to view the following page (shown here). This is the NYS-45 Page 1.
NOTE: As of version 4.0, released Sept 2010, zero values print blank instead of "0.00" , per new tax agency rules.
Click the Next button (>>) again.
Verify the data on NYS-45 Page 2.
Click the Next button (>>) to view the subsequent page(s) if you have more than 5 employees. These pages will be in the NYS-45-ATT format.
(only the first of three ATT pages is shown here)
NOTE: As of version 4.0, released Sept 2010, zero values print blank instead of "0.00" , per new tax agency rules.
STEP #10: Click on the Print/e-file tab.
To print on paper, click the Print button on Qxtender's toolbar.
To e-file your wage reporting data, read the instructions on the Plugin.
Also, see our detailed E-file Instructions page.
IMPORTANT: you must first submit a test file in order to be approved by the NYS. Simply create a test file with your most recent complete quarter's data.
Click the Create e-File File button. A file save dialog will open -- set a folder location to store the file.
The dialog shown here will confirm the file save at the displayed location.
After the file is saved, the folder location and filename will be displayed on the Plugin.
Follow the instructions on the Plugin. You must open a web browser, login to your NYS Online Services, and use that to upload the file produced by the Plugin.
IMPORTANT: When submitting the 1-time test file via NYS Online Services, set the File Type option to "Test".
Once you are approved, each time you upload your wage reporting file via NYS Online Services, set the File Type to "Original".
SECURITY: Be aware that the Pub 69 wage reporting file is a simple text file. It contains your employees names, social security numbers, and wage details. Follow safe practices for archival storage of these files.
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