Qslip - Current Features
Printing & Layout
- Prints to pre-printed business-size deposit slips (any size that will run through a printer).
- Prints complete deposit slips, including MICR line, on plain paper, using a Slip Background feature. Includes several built-in formats.
- Fully customizable list of deposit slip formats.
- Can print to double-sided, multi-column and QB Native formats.
- Printable deposit report.
- Option to print any combination of Customer Name, Memo Check Number or Bank Number on deposit slip in the Bank No. area.
- Prints on side 1: Date, Currency total, Coin total, Bank Numbers (see above) & Check Amounts, Checks total, Checks total from side 2, Sub Total, Cash Back Amount, Deposit total; plus rotated 90° Deposit total and Check count.
- Prints on side 2: Bank Numbers (see above) & Check Amounts, Checks total.
- Optional settings to print Depositor Name, Address & Account #, Bank Name & Address, plus an additional custom field on slip. Account and Custom can be rotated 90°.
- All the above fields can be positioned anywhere on the slip, or not printed.
- Dollar and cents amounts are positioned separately.
- Spacing between characters on amounts can be set to fit in pre-printed columns/boxes, or decimal and/or thousands separator can be used.
- Separate font settings for Date, Bank No, Amounts, Depositor Info, Bank Info and Custom field.
User-Entered (not imported) Deposit slip
- Full editing of Date, Currency total, Coin total, Cash Back and Check items.
- Can be saved to file.
- Saved files can be converted to a standard comma-separated format file (CSV) for import to Excel (or other spreadsheet application) for further processing. Two files are created: a detailed transaction file, and a summary by customer. See the Utilities sub-menu of the File menu for this feature.
Importing Deposit Information from Accounting Applications
- From QuickBooks - Imports the Deposit Summary created from the "Make Deposits" window, print to ASCII file option.
Supports tab-delimited files from all noted versions.
Supports QB99 and up cash back from deposit.
Supports both 2 and 4-digit year formats.
- From QuickBooks Online - Imports a modified Deposit Detail report.
- From other applications - Imports comma-separated and tab-delimited formats.
- Date can be changed to match actual deposit date if necessary.
- Cash line items are combined into currency and coin totals.
- Bank Numbers and Check Numbers can be edited or added in the checks list, but only to existing checks *.
- Payer and amount cannot be edited *.
- Checks can not be deleted or added *.
- Currency and Coin totals can be changed, but integrity with Cash total is maintained.
- Cash Back amount is displayed but cannot be edited *.
- Can be saved to file.
- Items noted with (*) can be edited by selecting the "Make Deposit Editable" item on the Edit menu. This unlocks the imported deposit and makes treats it like a user-entered deposit. Please be aware that making changes to amounts or number of items after import can cause a mismatch in your accounting data.
Data Entry Aids:
- Qslip maintained customer list to speed data entry: recalls bank numbers on imported deposits, and performs auto-fill of customer name and bank number on user-entered deposits.
- QSviewer, a separate program included with Qslip, is a stay-on-top form that displays the customers/banknos in the Qslip customer list. It's handy to have this on screen when entering payments received in QB as a reference to which customers are already in the list (and hence don't need the bankno entered in the memo field).
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