Qslip - User Guide - Set Layout Positions
Grab a ruler and a blank pre-printed deposit slip
- For best results, make all measurements to the nearest 32nd of an inch.
- Skip any items not used on your slip format (eg. Checks Total) -- they will appear grayed-out.
- You may enter decimal or fractional amounts in the measurement edit controls (decimals will be converted to the nearest fraction).
These items reference fields enabled on the Basic Options tab page.
Set the value for Number of Checks to the exact number of check lines on the front of the deposit slip.
Measure the overall width and height of the slip, and enter values in Slip Width and Height.
Set the Horizontal Positions: Measuring from the left edge of the slip, to the points marked in blue, enter the corresponding values.
Set the Vertical Positions: Measuring from the top edge of the slip, to the points marked in red, enter the corresponding values.
Add'l Layout:
These items reference fields enabled on the Basic Options tab page.
Set the Horizontal Positions: Measuring from the left edge of the slip, to the points marked in blue, enter the corresponding values.
Set the Vertical Positions: Measuring from the top edge of the slip, to the points marked in red, enter the corresponding values.
Depositor Layout:
These items reference fields enabled on the Depositor Options tab page.
Set the Horizontal Positions: Measuring from the left edge of the slip, to the points marked in blue, enter the corresponding values.
Set the Vertical Positions: Measuring from the top edge of the slip, to the points marked in red, enter the corresponding values.
Note: For fields with the 90° rotation option enabled, the Vertical position is the start of the text, and the Horizontal position in the baseline.
If the format is 2-sided:
These items reference fields enabled on the Basic Options tab page.
Set the value for Max Checks to the exact number of check lines on the back of the deposit slip.
Set the Horizontal Positions: Measuring from the left edge of the slip, to the points marked in blue, enter the corresponding values.
Set the Vertical Positions: Measuring from the top edge of the slip, to the points marked in red, enter the corresponding values.
If the format is Multi-Columned:
Follow the special instructions in the box at the bottom of the tab page.
This feature is primarily included in order to print to the QB native format, however it can be used to print to other multi-columned slips.
The built-in format Style B uses these settings.
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