Qslip - User Guide - Known Problems & Workarounds
- Under Windows NT, in order for the spacing between characters to print properly, the following change must be made to the printer properties:
Open the Printers dialog in Control Panel. Right click on the desired printer icon. Choose "Properties" from the menu. Click the "Print Processor..." button. Select "RAW" as the Default Datatype and check the box next to "Always spool RAW datatype."
Making this change will not adversly affect printing for other applications, and may solve other printing anomolies.
- Under Windows NT, 2000 & XP, Qslip must be installed by a user with administrator rights.
- Multiple users attempting to run the Qslip application from a network drive will receive a "Hardware has changed - please re-enter your registration key" message. Although Qslip works fine in a network environment, and can access files anywhere on the network, the application itself must be installed on each workstation that will run it.
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