News - May 13, 2016
Contacts Exporter and Leads Exporter Plugins for Qxtender Released
Two new plugins for Qxtender are available to provide export of hard-to-access data in QB.
Contacts Exporter:
- This Qxtender plugin extracts extended Contact information from Customers and/or Vendors in QuickBooks®, displays the information, and allows exporting to a standard comma-separated or tab-delimited file for use with Excel®, mailing applications, etc.
- Why Might I Need this Plugin? Beginning with QB 2013, Customer and Vendor records were enhanced with more contact information and the capability to store a list of associated Contact records. The main record has 8 fields of contact information that can be labeled from a list of 24 types (Main Phone, Mobile, Skype ID, etc.), of which only 5 types are included in QB's Excel export.
The added Contact records include 5 fields of contact information that can be labeled from a list of 13 types. Other than the name of the primary and secondary contact, none of this information is exportable using QB's reports or Excel export.
This information is accessible via the QB Integrated Applications interface (API), which is used by this plugin. QB 2015 and later implement access to all of this data.
QB 2013 and QB 2014 do not implement API access to all the data this plugin is capable of retrieving. All contact information types for the main record are retrieved, however there is no access to any of the information in the contacts list other than the names of the primary and secondary contacts.
Leads Exporter:
- This Qxtender plugin extracts information from Leads in QuickBooks®, displays the information, and allows exporting to a standard comma-separated or tab-delimited file for use with Excel, mailing applications, etc. All available fields are exported, including multiple additional contacts and locations per Lead.
- Why Might I Need this Plugin? Although the Lead Center debuted in QB 2012 - as of QB 2016 it only provides the means to export some Lead information and the one main Contact address from the Leads list. Additional Contacts and other information associated with a Lead record cannot be exported from within the QB user interface, or even via the QB API. The only way to effectively export them is by user-interface automation such as with Qxtender's QB App Control data mode.
- The QB API has the framework to allow access to the Leads data, and this plugin includes code to access this framework, but as of QB 2016 it has not yet been implemented by Intuit. If, and when, Intuit implements access via the QB API, this plugin will be updated to work with Qxtender's Data Mode set to QB Integrated Application mode, which will improve performance and allow access to more data attributes.
Obtain this Plugin by using the Online Update Utility in Qxtender, or download the Qxtender installer for new installations (see Downloads page).
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