Qslip - User Guide - Setting the Slip Format
Select a format from the drop-down list.
The "Filename that will have this format assigned" lets you assign the displayed format to import files using that name plus any extension (such as ".txt").
Any changes to the format settings on this tab page and the subsequent options and layout pages apply to the currently selected Slip Format, and are automatically saved before selecting another format, previewing, printing or closing Qslip.
To create a new slip format, enter a new name or click the "Create New Format" button, then...
Creating New Formats
To create a new format based on values from an existing format, select that option, enter a name for the new slip, select the format to copy and click "OK".
To create a new slip format, starting with default values, select that option, enter a name for the new slip and click "OK".
Next: Set the Layout Options your deposit slip layout.