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Prints Deposit Slips
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CA - DE-9/9C
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Schedule B
NY - NYS-45
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TX - C-3/C-4
Quarterly Report

Qslip - User Guide - Importing from Other Applications


Qslip can also import deposit data from generic comma-separated (CSV) or tab-delimited (TAB) files. The headers and rules are the same for each, only the delimiter structure is different. CSV files must use double-quotes around fields that contain a comma character. TAB files do not require any quoting. In either case, field-enclosing quotes will be stripped. Headers and PmtMethod types are not case-sensitive. Order of columns is not important with one exception: the PmtMethod column must NOT be the last column.

A special PmtMethod type named ACCT lets you import the bank account name to which the deposit will be made, the deposit total and date. Put the name of the account in the DocNo column. Put the date for the deposit in the BankNo column (or leave blank for current date). Put the deposit total in the AMOUNT column to cause Qslip to compare its internally calculated total to this amount (leave blank or zero to skip). Only one row of this type should be in the file, otherwise only first one will be used.

The following columns and headers are required (additional columns will be ignored):







Check number (eg. 12345) or account name for ACCT


Bank number (eg. 16-49) or date (m/d/yy) for ACCT


Customer name (or name of check issuer)


Any text


Amount in format 1234.00 or 1,234.00 or $1,234.00


Sample CSV file

Cash,,,Tom Jones,,163.00
Coin,,,Larry David,,1.33
Check,1423,12-333,Tom Jones,"This is a memo with, comma",1478.39
Check,1638,16-49,Larry David,,"$10,989.27"
Check,19683,17-22,Ralph Anderson,,158.94
Cash,,,RLI Ltd,,13.44


Import to Qslip


1. Run Qslip. If this is the first time, you will get an open file dialog. Open the file you exported from your application.

Subsequently, when you run Qslip, it will open the last file you had open before exiting, skipping this step.

You can also open a file at any time while Qslip is running.


2. The selected file (or last viewed file) is loaded into Qslip. If this is not the file you exported from your application, select "Open" from the "File" menu or click the and use the dialog to open the file you exported.

Any discrepancies in the import file will be displayed in a warning dialog.

The import stage is complete. Now you can get ready to print a deposit slip.

If you included an ACCT row in the file, The Bank Account and Deposit Total are shown for reference.

3. (optional) You may change the date.

4. Set the currency and coin amounts. Editing one will change the other, so that currency + coin = cash total.

The slip format is displayed at the bottom for reference. If this is not correct, select the proper format.


5. (optional) If you some or all of the Bank or Check Numbers for the checks were not in the deposit data, you can enter them now.


6. (optional) Click "Preview" to verify the deposit information as it will be printed.

7. (first time only) Setup your deposit slip layout and adjust it for printing.

8. Place a blank pre-printed deposit slip in your printer. (details).

9. Click "Print."

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